Learning from Home
Tips for helping your child maintain routine at home
- Get up and go to bed, have recess and lunch at the same time as usual. School recess is at 10.40am and lunch is 1pm.
- Break your day into small sessions similar to the school routine to include time for school work, eating times, break/ leisure times. A suggested timetable for learning at home is located below.
- Plan regular hand washing and hygiene breaks throughout the day.
Outdoor activities could include:
- Running or moving in the backyard.
- Creating an obstacle course.
- Create a scavenger hunt.
- Visiting open spaces such as public parks (as per social distancing measures).
- Kicking or throwing a ball.
- Blowing bubbles, reading stories or listening to music.
- Car washing, lawn and garden maintainance.
Indoor actvities could include:
- Reading a book or watching apropriate educational programs.
- Creating art works using recycled materials.
- Sensory activities - refer to additional resources - 150 sensory ideas.
- Life skills such as washing the dishes, cooking, washing and folding cloths, cleaning, sorting cupboards.
If you need to contact the school during a planned closure, please use the school email address NewcastleS-s.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Additional Resources
- Being Active at Home *NEW
- Covid-19 Children's book *NEW
- Covid-19 Testing Story *NEW
- A-Z of Activities at Home with the Family *NEW
- At Home Together with the Four M's *NEW
- Mindfulness Learning from Home pack *NEW
- Fun Brain interactive website *NEW
- COVID/Mental Health Resources for Parents/Carers *NEW
- PECS Support at Home *NEW
- KidLit TV *NEW
- Planet Puberty *NEW
- Happy Learners Social Stories *NEW
- DART Learning Virtual Excursions
- Holroyd School Learning from Home site
- Bates Drive School Learning from home site
- Useful Websites
- 150 Sensory Ideas
- Home Schedule
- Cosmic Kids Yoga
- Fiona Wood speech apps list
- Behind the News
- ABC Interactive Games
- Online Resources for Students and Families
- 150 Sensory Learning Ideas
- GoMoving Get Moving
- Kitchen Adventures
- STEM at home
- Australia's Best Virtual Tours to Explore from Home
- Art at Home
- Dinosaurs: History and science resources
- Coronavirus Social Story
- Dance at Home
- Help Kidz Learn - online learning for Special Education
- Talking to kids about coronavirus - Aided Language Display
- Learn with ABC TV Education